Want to learn some advanced chess strategies you can implement immediately with your friends or fun advanced chess strategies you can teach your kids?
I always get excited when I learn new chess strategies, especially when you know you can surprise your opponent (family or friends).:) So, this time, I want to share with you some fantastic chess strategies my daughter and I are trying to learn.
What I've found out is that chess strategy is all about learning the position and then learning how to initiate a plan of action according to the chess positions.
The best way to improve your game with chess strategies – I guess, is to study some checkmate positions and chess trap strategies. In this article, we are going to have fun learn more about chess trap strategies… 🙂
Here are some fun and advanced chess strategies that will help improve your game
Chess Strategy for Black
Most beginners like to play white and feel like playing white is an advantage… Well, that's what I thought before ( I always wanted to play white), and because I studied white main lines first.
Now, I feel I have weak gameplay with black. If you can relate, then I'm here to share with you chess strategies you can study if you are playing black. Let's get started with chess strategy for Black.
Also read: Six Of The Best Chess Game Players Biggest Upsets
Siberian Trap Strategy for Black
With this chess strategy, you need to be studying about Sicilian Defense and Smith Morra Gambit.
When you are now familiar with the Sicilian Defense and Smith Morra Gambit, you will be learning about the Siberian Trap.
You can use this as a chess strategy for your opponent's Smith Morra Gambit.
What is the Siberian Trap chess strategy? The Siberian Trap chess strategy happens when your opponent plays e4 and then plays the Smith Morra Gambit. What you need to be aware of is your opponent's white-squared Bishop will be attacking your weakest pawn f7.
You will be playing Sicilian Defense, and then applying the Siberian Trap.
How does the Siberian Trap works? When you are playing black, and you came across the Smith Morra Gambit, you need to continue to let your opponent develop and play the main lines.
There are three basic moves that you need to see from White to execute this chess strategy.
- Your opponent should attack your weak pawn f7 using the white squared Bishop.
- White should perform a Kingside castling.
- The White Queen will move to e2 to protect the white squared Bishop
Once these three moves are in place, you should have adequately executed the Siberian Trap. The Siberian Trap will have the potential to capture the White Queen or Checkmate the King using your Black Queen.
You can follow these nine moves or chess notation and identify the three basic moves we mentioned: 1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Nxc3 Nc6 5. Nf3 e6 6. Bc4 Qc7 7. 0-0 Nf6 8. Qe2 Ng4 9.h3??
The Black moving the Knight to g4 sets the whole trap, if your opponent is not familiar with the Siberian chess trap then definitely you can win the game easily.
Blackburne Shilling Trap Strategy for Black
If you want to see this Blackburne Shillings strategy, you need to be familiar with the Italian game. You will find out that the Italian game has different types of popular variations like the Fried Liver Attack.
When I taught my daughter the Italian game, and we play a quick chess game, we always almost play the same type of moves all the time…
Because I find the Italian game a very draw-ish game! If you know how to play the Italian game and you don't want to play a boring and draw-ishhh chess game… 🙂
Then you can start learning about this Blackburne Shilling strategy.
What is the Blackburne Shilling Trap strategy? The Blackburne Shilling Trap strategy can capture your opponent's queen or can even end with a smothered checkmate…
(You may also like to read this article: Can you have more than one queen in chess? )
This strategy can come to mind if your opponent plays white pawn to e4, and then plays the Italian game.
You should be familiar with other Italian game variation to prepare properly with the Blackburne Shilling trap strategy!
How does the Blackburne Shilling Trap strategy works? You should be expecting your opponent to capture a gambit you have set… Otherwise, this strategy will not work. The move you need to be looking at are as follows:
- Your opponent should take the black pawn e5
- White Knight should capture the f7 pawn
- Black Queen should be able to capture white's pawn g2
Your strategy should be working at this time…
Go ahead and check out this chess notation you can follow with your chess board: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nd4?!4. Nxe5? Qg5 5. Nxf7?? Qxg2 6. Rf1 Qxe4+ 7. Be2 Nf3#
The Black moving its Knight to d4 is setting the Blackburne Shilling Trap strategy.
My daughter seems to like this strategy because she said that it is a lot easier than the other plans… 🙂 If your opponent becomes too greedy, then you could win the game with this chess strategy.
Do check out our article about getting better at “chess end games“
Fishing Pole Trap Strategy for Black
You can apply the Fishing Pole Trap strategy when you see the Ruy Lopez chess opening from white… Ruy Lopez chess opening from white happens when the Bishop attacks your Black Knight on c6.
When you are playing Black, and you want to apply a different strategy, then you need to learn about the Fishing Pole Trap strategy.
What is the Fishing Pole Trap strategy? The Fishing Pole Trap strategy can be devastating for your opponent if they are not familiar with it.
The best thing about this chess strategy is you can always end up having a good position if this strategy doesn't work. How does the Fishing Pole Trap strategy work?
There is no gambit or sacrifice of a pawn with this strategy, but an advancing move of your Black Knight should set the whole trap for this. This is the moves you should be looking for when attempting the Fishing Pole Trap:
- White plays Ruy Lopez
- Your opponent castles Kingside
- Your opponent plays pawn to h3 attacking your Knight to g4
The move is Knight to g4! There are several variations you need to learn to give yourself an excellent advantage when using this strategy.
Here are the moves you need to perform when attempting the Fish Pole Trap strategy: 1. e4 e52. Nf3 Nc63. Bb5 Nf64.0-0 Ng4 When white move h3 and captures your Black Knight on g4 then it will be over soon for white.
Be sure to check other variations to avoid getting into bad positions.
You may also want to learn more about “popular chess openings” in this article!
Fajarowicz Trap Strategy for Black
This strategy happens with white's pawn d4 opening…and then white's pawn c4 (not a Queen's Gambit)! You need to be familiar with the Budapest Gambit (but with a different move from your Black Knight), to perform a Fajarowicz Trap strategy.
What is the Fajarowicz Trap strategy? If you want to capture your opponent's white Queen and eventually create a better position for your chess pieces… Or… If you are just tired of seeing your opponent playing White's pawn d4. Then you would want to learn and play the Fajarowicz Trap… 🙂
How does the Fajarowicz Trap works? Your opponent should be playing pawn to d4, and then you need to be familiar with the Budapest Gambit. I have not seen a lot of different variations, but this will work if your opponent takes your Black pawn e5.
This is the moves you should be looking at if you are going to use the Fajarowicz Trap strategy:
- Your opponent moves Queen's Gambit opening
- Your opponent moves its White Queen to d5
- Your opponent captures your Bishop on b6
The strategy or trap happens when your opponent will move its White Queen to d5 square!
Here are the moves you need to follow: 1. d4 Nf62. c4 e53. dxe5 Ne4!?4. Nf3 b65. Qd5 Bb76. Qxb7 Nc67. Qa6 Bb4+8. Bd2 Nc59. Qb5 Bxd2+
The next move to finally capture the White Queen is by moving the Black pawn to a6.
According to some chess experts, the strategy is not very common, and knowing with this strategy can help you improve your chess game and win more games.
Englund Gambit Trap Strategy for Black
The Englund Gambit Strategy can be played when white plays pawn to d4. You can also check the Budapest Gambit since the Black opening position is almost the same as the Englund Gambit.
The only difference is that the chess piece starts with a pawn instead of a Knight.
What is the Englund Gambit Trap strategy? If you want to attack your opponent's Queenside and give your opponent a hard time, then you need to check out the Englund Gambit Trap. Your gambit will be a pawn to e5…
When your opponent takes the gambit, then you can proceed with the Englund Gambit strategy.
How does the Englund Gambit Trap Strategy work? When your opponent plays White pawn to d4, then you can move the Black pawn to e5 (as the gambit)… This is the moves you need to identify when attempting the Englund Gambit strategy:
- Your opponent moves the White pawn to d4
- Your opponent captures your Black pawn e5
- White moves the dark-squared Bishop to protect its pawn
If your opponent takes the gambit, then you can move your Knight to c6 after. Then the Black Queen will be attacking early on the White's Queenside.
Here are the chess moves you should be following: 1. d4 e52. dxe5 Nc63. Nf3 Qe74. Bf4 Qb4+5. Bd2 Qxb2
When white's pawn takes your gambit, then your Black Queen will pretend to recapture the loss pawn by moving the Queen on Qe7.
The strategy will work after the Black Queen initiates a check on b4. I think this is a good strategy for Black, and this will give your opponent a lot of difficulties when you can execute this properly. Now, check out the last strategy for Black below…
Cambridge Springs Trap Strategy for Black
I like strategies I can use for Queen's Gambit. It's because I always encounter Queen's Gambit when I play Black… 🙂
So, I want to share this strategy I learned – it's called Cambridge Springs Trap strategy. You need to be familiar with, of course, the Queen's Gambit. In this case, you are going to be looking at Queen's Gambit Declined when using this Cambridge Springs Trap.
What is the Cambridge Springs Trap strategy? You need to be familiar with the Queen's Gambit Declined moves…
The strategy requires several moves to be executed before we can set up the Cambridge Springs Trap. There are several strategies that you can implement when using the Cambridge Springs Trap.
When properly executed the main advantage is you will almost always be gaining material, and your opponent will be in a difficult situation after.
How does the Cambridge Springs Trap work? The move starts with your opponent using the Queen's Gambit opening… White moves pawn to d4 and then Black moves the pawn to d5!
This is the chess moves that you need to recognize when attempting the Cambridge Springs Trap strategy:
- White should move the Queen's Gambit opening
- White should move the dark-squared Bishop to g5
- White should move the white squared Bishop to d3
The trap that we are going to look at is the Black Queen will be pinning the White Knight on c3. This move can force White to move the White Queen to protect the pinned Knight.
Here are the moves you can follow to check the Cambridge Springs Trap strategy: 1. d4 d52. c4 e63. Nc3 Nf64. Bg5 Nbd75. e3 c66. Nf3 Qa57. Qc2 Ne48. Bd3?? Nxg5!!9. Nxg5 dxc410. Bxc4 Qxg5
There are other variations of the Cambridge Springs Trap strategy that you need to look at…
But, basically what will happen is you will be winning a minor chess piece using this strategy.
Chess Strategy for White
I know most chess players like to play white and have studied a lot of chess moves for white too. Because I do like to play white and I often teach my daughter chess while she is playing white…:)
So, I searched for chess strategy that looks interesting and has different variations I can use. I came across this chess strategy that you can study and learn for yourself.
Tarrasch Trap Strategy for White
With this type of advanced chess strategy, you need to be learning about the Ruy Lopez chess opening… I do like playing Ruy Lopez, and I was excited to learn about this Tarrasch Trap strategy.
What is Tarrasch Trap strategy?Tarrasch trap strategy uses different variations depending on Black's move. If you are going to use the Tarrasch Trap, you will be practicing a lot of combinations and a lot of exchanges…
But in return, you will be gaining material and can proceed with several possible attacks to win the game.
How does the Tarrasch Trap strategy works? The move starts with White's pawn to e4, and then Black moves the pawn to e5. Just a standard opening ready to develop minor pieces and then be prepared for the exchanges.
When attempting the Tarrasch Trap strategy, you need to be looking at this moves:
- Your opponent will move the Black pawn to e5
- Your opponent should attack your Bishop by pawn a6
- Black castles on Kingside
When you look closely with the strategy, it does appear that the White sets up a Gambit with the pawn e4. In order to get a better view of the Tarrasch Trap strategy here are the chess notations: 1. e4 e52. Nf3 Nc63. Bb5 a64. Ba4 Nf65. 0-0 Nxe46. d4 b5 7. Bb3 d5 8. dxe5 Be6 9. c3 Be7 10. Re1 0-0 11. Nd4 Qd7?12. Nxe6
The trap happens when the Knight is pinned.
If you search for this trap, this is the Open Variation of Tarrasch Trap strategy. The other strategy is called the Steinitz Variation. The primary strategy is also to gain material with a lot of exchanges that are going to happen.
Here is the chess notation that you can follow for this Steinitz Variation for Tarrasch Trap strategy: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d64. d4 Bd75. Nc3 Nf6 6. 0-0 Be7 7. Re1 0-0? 8. Bxc6 Bxc6 9. dxe5 dxe5 10. Qxd8 Raxd8 11. Nxe5 Bxe4?! 12. Nxe4 Nxe413. Nd3 f514. f3 Bc5+?!15. Nxc5 Nxc5 16. Bg5 Rd5 17. Be7 Re8 18. c4
This is quite enjoyable to learn and to gain this knowledge is a substantial up on your game or teaching this to your kids will be fun too… 🙂
Check out ChessDelights chess recommendations here.
Wrapping Up
This is the advanced chess strategy I want to learn, and I want to show my daughter.
I did focus mainly on Black's strategy and just a few moves for White. Learning chess traps strategies is an excellent way to improve your game, and you can feel confident playing in a more competitive tournament.
You can go through this list of advanced chess strategies and study them… Or… What I suggest is that you analyze if you want to improve your chess strategies for White or Black…
After learning that then go and pick at least five chess trap strategies to improve your game. I'm still trying to learn most of the chess strategies above and teaching my daughter the same.
I hope you were able to learn a lot of new stuff with this article. By the way, please do share with us your favorite chess trap strategy for Black in the comment below? Have fun learning chess! 🙂